Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18. 2010 – Acts 14

You don’t often see someone survive a stoning. And to get up and preach afterwards. That is something. And we see in Verse 23 that Presbyters were appointed for the different Churches. These are what we today consider our priest. So, we see that churches did not just form and run themselves. They do not pick their own priest and start up. The Churches sprung from the Apostles and Paul and were given leaders to run them. I know of someone who got together with a group of others and formed their own Christian Church. First of all, I don’t understand where you get the notion that you know it better than anyone and decide to do that. Second, I don’t know why anyone would join because you don’t have the authority to teach them. As soon as they don’t like what you say, they leave, and you are a complete hypocrite if you say anything because that is exactly how you got started. Here we see Churches being started by those closest to Jesus and in the letters and other books we see that if these Churches veered away, they were brought back into conformity with the true teaching. When there are issues they are take to the Apostles or there are councils held. When was the Church you go to founded, by who, for what reason. Where do they get their authority to teach you what they teach you.


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