Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24, 2010 – Exodus 30

What strikes you is the harshness of the punishment for not taking God’s rules seriously when going about the details for His buildings and ceremonies.  Do we think about this when we go to Church or the Adoration Chapel?  Are we dressed appropriately and are we taking it seriously, what we are there to do and what is going on.  I know there are times when I have not and there are times when Paul is a distraction for me, but I do strive to always try and take it seriously.  I have never seen anyone struck down for wearing inappropriate cloths into Church, but can a person really be taking it seriously when they show up in a T-Shirts and shorts.  We are not called to judge and we must guard against it and there are some who may be coming with the best intentions and in the most humble fashion and that is all they have.  This is not about them.  It is for those who cannot be bothered to “dress up” once a week to celebrate the Mass.  If you cannot take the time to dress in a respectful way for Mass, how can you convince yourself to give God time during Mass or outside of Mass.  The way we dress also influences our attitudes.  A person in T-Shirt and jeans is not someone who is about to do some serious contemplation or is ready to be obedient.  It is someone who is ready to relax and take it easy.  Mass can be a peaceful place, but it is not meant to be a place to come and hang-out.  Remember the severe punishments warned by God for those that took lightly entering the Sanctuary unworthily.  Let us remember why we are going to Church, what we are there to receive, and show some respect to the God who deserves all our love and devotion.  


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