Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 18, 2010 – Catechism 641-646

Sometimes these reflection spark idea that are not totally related to the readings we have.  When I was reading this, I was mainly interested in the idea that it was the women that Christ appeared to first.  That got me thinking about how the Catholic Church is often portrayed as a discriminating organization when it comes to women.  I hear people say that because we don’t allow women to become priest, we are not allowing them all the rights they deserve and ought to have.  I don’t get this.  First of all, do the women that want to be priest see Christ as discriminatory.  He didn’t choose any women as disciples.  But secondly, and this is really what got me thinking, in the last 30-40 years, when you think of well known Catholics, who comes to mind.  Pope John Paul the II is probably first.  Second is probably going to be Mother Theresa of Calcutta.  For the Church being so discriminating, one of the most well known and respected Catholics in recent times is a woman.  I just do not see how someone can in good conscience make that argument if they are honestly trying to follow the teachings of Christ.   


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