Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22, 2011 – Catechism 1099-1107

I don’t think people realize how much of the Catholic Mass, and other liturgies, have their foundation and most of the language from the Bible. That may become more apparent with the new English Translation that is soon to start. The words may not flow off the tongue as well as they do now, but that is because they are taken as a word for word translation from the Latin text and from the Bible. What we have now are idea translations into words that are everyday and flow nicely. But they are not the formal words that God gave us in the Bible or that were used for the many years of the Latin Mass. When we went the easy route, we lost some of the luster, the mystery, the formality and in doing, lost much of the focus and respect. I hope with the new Mass we can bring back that respect and be able to dive deeper into the Mass and what is actually going on in all its majesty.


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