Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24, 2012 – Isaiah 64-65

There is a picture painted of a perfect world. Long life, peace among animals, no death or illness. This picture is made for those that follows God’s will. The footnotes call it an apocalyptic type text. Usually when you hear apocalyptic, you think devastation and wrath and things being destroyed. Here, apocalyptic is pictured as perfection. I guess we should see it that way if we truly have hope in God. The end, for those that believe and hope in God, is going to be a heavenly peace. That is the end we hope and pray for. There may be the destruction before it comes, but our apocalyptic view should focus on the end that will be coming. Maybe there wouldn’t be the fascination with the end of days and the popularity of describing it in such a way if when we think apocalyptic we think of the heavenly peace that we hope for instead of the death on destruction that comes to mind now.


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