Monday, March 05, 2012

March 5, 2012 – Hebrews 13

The end of Hebrews tells us to follow our leaders and not be led astray by different teachings. Was Martin Luther following this teaching when he split. Was Calvin or any other non-Catholic Christian. Follow your leaders, that being the heads of the Church. Those that started the splits had some legitimate complaints about corruption and abuses, I cannot argue against that, but that does not give them the authority to break away. They do not have Christ authority to do so, to teach or make rules, to amend scripture or theology. When Christ taught about the Temple priest that were corrupt, He did not teach that you should break away and start your own church. He said to obey your leaders and what they tell you, but do not follow their example. That was what Luther was suppose to do. He was a priest who did not agree with things happening. He should have lived a life according to Catholic teaching and not followed the example of those that were doing things wrong. Christ did not tell us we can just make it up on our own and this letter tells us to obey our leaders and watch out for teachings that are different then what we are told. There is absolutely no authority to back or support the path that Luther and other reformers took and those that have followed still do not possess any authority to lead, teach, instruct, or give the graces of the Sacraments to those that choose to follow them. Read this chapter, ask yourself who you are to obey, who are your leaders, where did they get their authority to lead you, and if you cannot answer that with any confidence, ask yourself if there is a better way.


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