Monday, July 02, 2012

July 2, 2012 – Malachi 1 – 2

Malachi tells of a day when there will be a pure sacrifice from the rising of the sun to its setting.  The Church believes this is what we have in the Mass.  I have always wondered and wanted to find out if it is true that there was a Mass being said every hour of the day.  There are Catholic churches in every time zone, that may not be true when you look at zones that contain mostly ocean, but those may be covered by multiple masses in another time zone.  But when you think about that, anytime you want to pray, you can picture a Mass being said at that moment.  When you truly understand the Sacrifice that is occurring at a Mass, how it is Perfect, how Heaven comes to Earth, and if you unit your prayer with that Mass, how much more will our focus, our energy, and our faithfulness grow during those times between the Masses we actually go to.  How much more would we appreciate our Masses we do attend. 

We see the tribe of Levi is a special tribe because from them come the priest.  They are special and significant because through them God gives instruction and knowledge.  It is when we turn away from what priest teach that people get in trouble.  But woe to the priest that turn away from God’s teaching.  Their blessings become curses. 


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