Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15, 2012 – 2 Samuel 1

Here we have a pretty clear teaching on euthanasia.  Saul wanted to die and asked someone to end his life and suffering.  The servant did this, but he is not credited or praised for it, but killed for his act.  Life is God’s to give and take. 

I don’t know how this fits with what we read about at the end of 1 Samuel.  I thought Saul had asked someone to kill him and they had said no, so he killed himself. 

We see David, even after all that has happened, still honors Saul as God’s anointed and never waivers from that.  If there is ever a person that should hate and want the demise of Saul, it is David, and yet he consistently defends and honors Saul because of the authority God gave him.  But God was not with Saul towards the end.  I guess David did not know or understand this.  David could not judge another man’s soul or another man’s relationship with God.  Saul was anointed by God and that is what David followed, up until and even after Saul’s death.


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