Wednesday, November 07, 2012

November 7, 2012 – Job 35
We add and take away nothing from God. When we do evil it is to people like us, it has no effect on God. Job thinks he affects God and makes himself on a higher level than he is. This is what appears to upset the speaker. Even if you are righteous or perfect, you still have no effect on God. Almost feel like I need to reread Job and see if I get the sense that Job is putting himself on that level. I don’t remember thinking or feeling that when I commented on Jobs responses, but I do remember him talking down to the other commenter’s, taking their responses as words that were worldly while he had some knowledge that was beyond them. I remember thinking that this was the point of Job. That it was teaching us to think beyond the worldly limits. All the time I was praising Job for his thinking, was he being arrogant and thinking himself godly.


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