Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013 – Ezekiel 44

Again, if this is going to be the Temple of Christ for all eternity and the new Heaven, why the restrictions regarding circumcision.  Those types of restrictions and laws were done away with when Paul questioned them and Peter announced them unnecessary. Having them be required again at the end of time really doesn’t follow.  Plus, in the last description, it also talked about the Scriptures being there and necessary and read to the people.  I always imagined that once you get to Heaven, Scripture wouldn’t be necessary because, well, you would be in Heaven and fully absorbed into God and it would be so enveloped in you that needing it in written form would be unnecessary.

Also, if this is the Temple from the end of all time, what is with the Sacrifices.  Once again, that seems something that was done away with after Christ.  The Temple described seems to require so many things that are not Christian because of what Christ brought and taught, so the Temple described doesn’t seem to follow Christ, but come before Him. 


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