Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013 – Proverbs 18:16 - 19:21

19:20 – It is hard to listen to advise.  Why do we think we know it all.  I am as guilty as anyone.  It is one of the things that I think is most easily seen and experienced in marriage and dealing with the way you were raised and how that influences the way you live life.  The way you group up as a child is entwined in your psyche and, for good or bad, that is what feels comfortable and what you want to do.  When your ways don’t coincide with your spouse, it can bring about conflicts that stubbornness can blow into epic and unnecessary fights.  Part of marriage prep should be writing down all your family traditions and discussing which ones are to be kept or changed or which ones you need to start anew.  But that is really impossible and you really don’t know how strong they are until you get into the marriage.

19:2 – Having Zeal without knowledge is close to the proverb that I looked at last time, not being interested in what is right, only what you want to say.  People can run 100 miles an hour but not have any idea or even care whether they are going in the right direction.  That is one of the biggest problems with the world and the fact that they are telling us there are no right answers.


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