Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013 – Proverbs 17:11 - 18:15

With these proverbs, I always think that they all sound alike and that I won’t read one that sparks.  But it always seems that one says something that is just different enough to make you realize how thought provoking these are.  18:2 was today’s.  “The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.”  If this doesn’t sum up some of the recent discussions I have had with people about gay marriage, cohabitating, and other like issues, I won’t find one.  People don’t care at all about what is right or what is logical, reasonable, or makes common sense, they only care about what they think and that is all that matters.  I am not good at memorizing verses, but I feel like this is one I should remember and bring up the next time I get in that situation.


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