Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013 – Proverbs 27:13 - 28:20

The eyes of men are never satisfied. When I first read this I was thinking about lust and the constant temptation that results from our sexual desires.  But when I applied it in a broader sense and against the backdrop of what happened yesterday with the Supreme Court, it made me wonder what the end game is for the groups that are pushing so many of these morality issues.  If gay marriage is allowed throughout the country, will these groups stop.  I don’t think so.  So what is the next step.  If birth control injections are given to all 12 year old girls, will they stop there.  No.  Next they will want to basically sterilize all children and then come up with some other drug that brings back fertility.  And when do they want abortions to be allowed.  Obviously many in the group want partial birth abortions, so the womb is not the limit that will stop them.  Will a 1 year old be safe.  The eyes of man are never satisfied.  We should keep that in mind as we continue to lose more and more moral ground in the country and stop to think about where the end is to all these roads. 

Men are tested by praise.  I think that is an interesting statement.  Many think we are challenged by or hardships and how we endure.  But we are also challenged when we are put up on a pedestal and how we handle that.  How many of our politicians ran for office with good strong morals and high aspirations on changing the world for the better.  How many of them fall to the praise and showing of gifts on them once they are elected.  Think about that when someone praises you and what it does to your psyche.  We are tested by praise.  Pray for humility in those circumstances. 

Haste to grow rich will not go unpunished. You wonder about those that have gained fame through reality shows and how happy they are now or if they wish they could take it all back.  Yet, I can’t lie and say I don’t think about having disposable income from doing nothing to earn it and how that would seem to make my life so much easier, even though I know it doesn’t work that way.


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