June 25, 2013 – Catechism 2464 – 2470
What is truth. We are to be honest and tell the truth and not lie. I think many times people fail at this because we speak about things that we don’t really know anything about. Part of the problem is that many people get their “facts” from sources that really can’t be trusted. On top of that, their source is probably getting “facts” from a government or other source that can’t be trusted. When you get to a point where you have no confidence that the government is being honest with you, were does that leave the public. The society cannot last long when there is not trust. I think many are at that point. I know it was very interesting when I was running for office that the information I had didn’t mesh with what was being said and what people define as something is not what other people may think. I think if you spend more that you bring in, that isn’t a balanced budget, but you would be surprised at how many call it that and are just fine with it. But when the trust is gone, it is really hard to believe anything you read and then it is really hard to take anyone serious when they argue based on facts that you don’t believe are reliable. But where does that leave us? I really don’t know.
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