Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013 – Catechism 2574 – 2580

Speaking to God in a conversation, like Moses, takes humility. Moses was seen as the most humble man “on the face of the earth”.  Conversing with God is often difficult.  I have had many people, or at least listened to them, try to explain ways to do this.  One of the most virtual examples is to actually try to picture Christ sitting next to you and speaking out loud to Him and listening to His responses.  I have tried this several times, with the best results in the Adoration Chapel all alone, but it has not been successful many times.  The times it has been, it has been very powerful and it has been times when I really needed to hear what He wanted to tell me.  You get a real sense of what Moses was feeling on the top of that mountain speaking to God “face to face”.

I was thinking about how high we hold David, and yet he was a sinful man.  We look to his example and his relationship with God, but then we also know of his fall with Bathsheba and what it cost him.  It made me think of the Pope and the priest in our Catholic Church.  So many people look to the Catholic faith as flawed because of the actions taken by popes or priest.  These are human men that are sinful and flawed, just as David.  Just because David was flawed and fell, does not take away from the high esteem that is given to him.  The fact that a pope or priest is flawed does not mean he should not be held in high standing or disregarded.  And the Catholic Church as a whole cannot be seen as less than what it is because of the actions or sins of one or many of its human parts.


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