Saturday, December 07, 2013

December 7, 2013 – 2 Chronicles 23 – 24:16

I don’t know if I have ever heard of Jehoiada.  I thought I might just not know how to spell Jedadiah, but that isn’t it.  He seems to be in the same line as Samuel or Nathan, advising the king, saving the Kingdom, but because he wasn’t around with David, he isn’t as well known.  He is responsible for keeping David’s line safe and restoring the king, bringing peace to the kingdom through his advice and restoring the Temple.  That is a pretty good resume.  And from the heading of the next section after this, Kind Joash doesn’t do very well once he loses Jehoiada as his advisor when he dies.  It seems to be a pretty high honor to be buried with the kings when he was not a king.


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