Monday, July 19, 2004

Friday, July 18
Classes are not hard, but they are making me think.  For as long as I have been able to form an opinion, I have been what I would consider an isolationist.  I thought the U.S. should keep its nose out of things until it solved its own problems.  I am beginning to think it is too late or not an available option anymore.  From class, it seems the entire world is moving in a certain direction and the U.S. is the only thing blocking its path.  A unified World Government is a long ways off, but a unified world set of laws should not be.  The U.S.'s greed and power lust are keeping the rest of the world from making some very historic steps to peace and unity, all because we would lose so much power.  It is for this reason that George Washington was such a phenomenal character.  The ability to give up power for the good of others.  The U.S. has lost sight of this attitude, and might never have had it. 
            Was caught in the rain yesterday while sightseeing.  Was stuck in the elevator while going to supper.  People started making a big deal about it.  I did not think it was that bad.  It was warm, but it only lasted 20 minutes maybe.  Got to school and heard that it had been pushed to 45 minutes through gossip.  Prague is beautiful.  We are going to a spa tomorrow and probable swimming.  We may be driving to Auschwitz next weekend if we can figure it out in time. 
            Still have not figured out what is wrong with the phone card.  I am going to try them everyday, but I have a feeling they have just gone bad or run out.  Not sure how, but I am sure I will think of something.


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