Monday, July 19, 2004

Saturday, July 19
            Well, on the way to the spa.   Last night was a blast.  Went to a club where they played 80's and early 90's music and they had a huge screen where they played the music videos.  I danced my ass off and got home around 4:30. 
            Jenn took off for Krakow today.  Glad she let me know.  Not that she needed to, just in case something happens or anything.  I did not know until somebody told me last night.  I am going to have to avoid her cause I do not want to hear too much about it before I go.  She also said that she would not be bouncing around because she lost her train pass, so I am going to be alone again.  This time it is not her fault, but I am wondering what I am going to do, because without her bouncing around, my motivation to go bouncing around is lost.  It is going to be hard not staying in one spot.  However, I cannot think of any place as good as Rome to spend time.  Figure I need to hit Berlin, Amsterdam, Cologne, and not sure what else.  I will have to work on that.  Just found out that it might be difficult to find a car to Poland because they do not like renting cars for across the border.
            Karlovy Vary was like a movie set.  One street, beautiful buildings, a river running though it.  Went swimming, which was great.  It was small, but a lot to do.  You could definitely spend more time there.  The hot springs are supposed to cleanse you.  Stay there for a week and drink the water with every meal and you will feel right as rain.  Had a drink that the city is suppose to be famous for.  It tasted like Hot Damn.  Most people said they enjoyed it while I struggled through.  I think I am a little burnt, but not too bad.


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