Saturday, July 5, 2003

This has been a long day considering I did not get out o bed until 12:30, half twelve. Bought new socks today. My feet have never felt better. Last day in Dublin. I am about ready to leave. It is a neat city, but enough is enough. I am ready to go exploring again. Went and seen the Book of Kells. It was not anything spectacular, but interesting just to think how long it took to make those books. Off to have my last Guinness of Ireland. Last night we drank Coors Light and Budweiser in honor of the fourth and a girl from LSU went out in the middle of a cricket game wearing the stars and stripes. I thought it was funny, but most people just thought it was stupid. Some blamed me for provoking her, but that does not sound like something I would do, wink. The Intellectual Property test was around 50 true/false instead of eight, so it is anyone's guess how I did.
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