Monday, May 03, 2010

May 3, 2010 – Matthew 26:47-75

Those who take the sword fall by it.  Here is a stark contrast to the Christian ideal and that of the Islam (as I understand it.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong).  I believe they have a teaching or a belief for their religion to convert the world.  But they either believe it will be through or are allowed to accomplish this by force.  Jesus says that this will not be His followers way.  A couple of thoughts on this.  First, it would seem completely against free will to force people through violence to believe your beliefs.  It’s the same reason that we cannot attack people and force our way of life on them.  They have to see it and want it for themselves.  Only then will it take in a fundamental way.  So, I see a flaw in any type of religion or anything in forcing people to your way.  And second, I think about the Crusades and what that was all about.  I don’t know enough about it to say with any certain terms, but it seems a very flawed strategy if its intent was to convert the Holy Land by force, for the reasons stated above.  I do know there was a time was Christianized Europe was in fear of an attack and the Church organized a defense of Europe, but I think that was something different than the Crusades. 

Verse 63 they ask Jesus if He is the Messiah.  Did they know He was and knew He could not lie.  Were they really curious.  What if He had said no, would they have let Him go.  I don’t know what they were looking for as far as an answer.  He tells them the truth, although He doesn’t answer the question directly they take it as an affirmative.  Were they only asking the question to get evidence against Him.  It doesn’t appear that they needed it, they had already determined He would be found guilty.  Was it just for the show, for the crowds.  Then again it was a secret tribunal in the middle of the night.  I am just trying to see their motivation for the questioning if they have already made up their minds not to believe Him.


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