Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010 – Catechism 396-403

Adam’s sin was so great it will stain us until the end of time and is only trumped by the Grace Christ gives us by dying on the Cross. Without the Resurrection, there is nothing for us to preach about. Such a wonderful gift it is, a gift we cannot contemplate. Here at the end we have a brief description of why Catholics baptize infants. The Grace of that baptism was away that stain of Adam’s sin which we are all born with. So, infants have this on them, even without making any choice of their own to commit sin. We all had that when we were born. To wipe that away from our Children as soon as possible and start their lives with that gift of Grace that they receive is a beautiful thing. Something that is to be celebrated as much as a birthday. I was baptized on March 9th, Paul was May 17th. It is an important day to know and the fact that Michelle and I made that decision for Paul does not take away God’s Grace. We make many decisions for Paul, that is our responsibility. Should we withhold the Grace of God from him until he can make a decision on his own. That doesn’t seem to flow from the message of God’s infinite Love for all.


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