Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010 – Sirach 5

Quick to Hear, Slow to Respond. 

v. 4 is something that many of us should think about.  Many times I have had the thought process of knowing I have done something wrong but gotten away with it.  Where does that road lead. 

v. 8 my talk this weekend I talked about not waiting for some other opportunity to make good choices or changing your life.  We never know when that chance may come.  The way I put it in a question is if today was your last, how would the relationships that matter most to you end?  Do we really think about that when we leave for school or work in the morning, when we say good night at night?  We need to think about our fragile lives more often and where we stand with people in case we never get that chance to make things right, to apologize, to say I love you.

How often do we wish we could take something back that we said.  How hard is it to reverse that course.  I am a person who sometimes does not have a filter between my brain and my lips and it does cause people pain and myself much guilt.  We must strive to think before we throw the daggers that our words can be.  They are not easily taken back and can never be unsaid. 

Calumny is a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something


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