Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13, 2012 – 1 Samuel 11 – 12

Saul just comes across as a strong leader, someone everyone looks at and follows.  He comes in from the field and in very little time puts together an army.  After the victory, a group is discussing something and he steps in and they all stop.  He seems to command their attention.  You can almost picture him, taller than others, always head held high, the person everyone looks to for a decision to be made.  Keep this image in mind as we go forward. 

What was Saul thinking when he heard Samuel talk about how bad it was to have a king.  Was he upset that Samuel was talking about him like that.  Was he thinking that “I will be a good king and the Lord will be pleased” and think that Samuel wasn’t talking about him specifically.  Was he thinking that he agreed with Samuel and that is why he didn’t want to be king in the first place.  Saul is right there during this whole speech about him and I just wish we knew what was going through his mind. 


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