Thursday, July 05, 2012

July 5, 2012 – 1 Samuel 9

When you think about what Saul becomes at the end of his life, it is always good to remember where he came from and how humbly he started. He did not feel he was worthy, not only of the kingship, but even of the greeting that Samuel gives him. We can take a lesson that even from humble and proper beginnings, power corrupts. It takes a very strong morality not to be twisted when you achieve a powerful position. I think there are many people in powerful positions who make decisions that are not in people’s best interest, but did not start off on that path. They probably started trying to make good decisions and seeking good results. It is just hard to stay on the straight and narrow after you get a taste for the benefits of straying from that path. All that being said from someone who is trying to be elected for his first political office. I hope people remember who I am and keep me accountable should I win and get a small taste of control. But we need to continue to pray for all our public leaders, both present and future (wink).


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