Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, 2012 – Lamentations 4

How bad would it have to be to boil your own children for food.  I don’t have any idea if that is a literal thing or an exaggeration to make a point, but it is rather disturbing.  And from the context, you can’t tell if they are doing to because they do not want the children to suffer and they feel it is better for them to die or they are starving and this is the best they can do for food.  Either way, it paints a bleak picture. 

I thought it was interesting that they add in there how all the nations thought Jerusalem would never fall, that they were untouchable.  It wasn’t the strength of the enemy that allowed the fall, it was God’s wrath that allowed it.  If they had obeyed, God would have kept them safe.  Because they disobeyed, the most fortified city in the world would not have been enough to stop (look at Jericho vs God). 


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