Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012 – Job 19

We see Job describe what God has done, or allowed to be done, in detail all that tragedies.  Verses 7-20 is a long list.  But after this list, Job is going to say something that he wants to be remembered for.  He wants it chiseled in stone so that it never goes away.  He wants everyone to know that even though all this has happened “[He] know[s] that [his] Redeemer lives” 25.  He knows that this world is not the end, that all this is dust and that sometime down the road, God will come and he holds on to the hope that he will be with God on that day.  That day in the future is his focus.  Everything that happens until then is either leading you towards that day or taking you away from it, or at least away from where you want to be on that day.  Job warns them that they are looking at things the wrong way and focusing on the worldly possessions and judging based on what happens to those will result in the wrath of God.


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