April 13, 2013 – Proverbs 16:10 - 17:10
I found 16:21 very interesting. “The wise man is esteemed for his discernment, yet pleasing speech increases his persuasiveness.” It just made me think about how some people are very intelligent and know a lot more than I do, but they can’t convince people of what they are saying because of the way they try to convince people. You can be smart and honored and well respected, but no body may believe what you believe because you cannot talk to them with “pleasing speech”. That becomes apparent when you bring up many different controversial items in this day in age. Any of those topics very quickly turns into name calling and nastiness, many times, on both sides. Neither side will be convinced by this type of attitude.
There are of course exceptions to the rule. One of the turning points in my conversion was being told in a conversation that I was going to hell because of my choice in President. Granted, he was wrong for saying it because we can never judge like that, but it was a convincing shot to me and was a step down a road that brings me here. But, normally, such talk is not productive and what he said could have backfired and we would not be good friends today. I do my best to use “pleasing speech” whenever I can. I do think that “pleasing speech” can be accusatory and critical and still be pleasing. Read Christ words when He tells people they are wrong. Some might even say He sometimes didn’t use “pleasing speech”, but mostly He is critical and gentle, which gets results much better than loud and derogatory.
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