Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013 – Catechism 2387 - 2400

Free unions or trial marriages have no commitment.  There just isn’t.  The couple is free to leave whenever they want.  Some would argue that there is a financial commitment.  Do you really want to base your argument on a relationship is that it is based on a commitment of finances?  That isn’t very convincing.  The sexual act is meant to be a renewal of the commitment made on your wedding day, a renewal of the fully, freely given commitment to the other.  Any sexual act outside of marriage is a lie because it does not have that commitment behind it.  

The sexual act done outside of marriage, or done between two of the same gender, or done with the use of contraception, all destroy the intrical meaning, the sacred meaning of the act, it cheapens it, degrades it, destroys the holiness of the act.

Catholics don’t want to strip us of the sexual act, it wants to give it back the glory that has been stripped away by the modern world.


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