Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013 – Jeremiah 5

I thought it was interesting that God talks about not going to the lowly but to those in power.  That seems counter to what we sometimes think.  Usually we look at the poor and lowly as the Godly and think that God is closer to them.  God is saying that isn’t how it started and maybe even now He does it now.  God does go to the powerful, but they ignore Him and won’t be changed.  These are the people that have been the most blessed and the most educated and should know the most about the world and be the most thankful about all that God has given them, but appear the most blinded from seeing God.  I wonder if there is a measureable tipping point as to when someone gets to a certain successful point and God loses His mojo.

It also talks about priest that teach whatever they wish.  That sounds a lot like the non-denominational communities I hear about.  It wasn’t so much that part that caught me, but why they continue and grow.  That is because the people would have it so.  That make sense and I have written about it before.  People go to these communities to be told that they are doing good.  If a preacher tells you your doing it wrong, you just move to another community where they say what you are doing if fine.  That is painting everyone with a pretty broad brush and it may not be that way all over, but when you have Christian groups teaching exactly the opposite when it comes to certain moralities, it probably isn’t hard to find a Christian community that will allow you to live the life you want.  Ask yourself if that is really to living a Christ like life or is it you defining a Christ like life into what you find acceptable. 


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