Friday, June 20, 2003
On the train to Killarney. Last night was a long night. The few things I remember of importance are that some girl told me that I could do better than another girl. Not that I asked or was looking. The guys were just looking at a couple of girls, as guys will do, and I was told that I could do better.
Just figured out that I have taken around 130 pictures. It sounds like a lot, but it really is. I estimate I will have 500-550 pictures when it is all said and done. For perspective, I figure that is the amount of pictures my mom would take in 2 years.
I am going to be really upset when I have

Just saw a pasture shared by one horse, cows and sheep. They were just all standing together. Guess I always just assumed that they are always kept separate. Two realizations on this train ride. I cannot sleep on trains. maybe if I have not slept for like 3 days and I just pass out, maybe. Other than that, it is not even worth trying. Second, railroad crossings do not exist. I thought it was just that I had not been paying attention, but now I am looking for them and cannot find them.
Just saw one. But there are very few roads, which makes it very beautiful countryside. Just saw a farmer racking hay and it makes me wonder if Dad has made his Second cut. They may be baling that into bails and bucking and it makes me glad I am over here.
I never even thought about it before, but this is the first time I have seen any type of mountains. I should have when going to Washington D.C., but I must have slept through them. Out one window, it is flat and off in the distance, out the other window, there are these mountains that just tower above the land. I may be afraid of heights, but I have a feeling I would love to climb the mountain I see there. Probable because they are not to sheer. Speaking of my fear, I think it is starting to dwindle away. It is not gone, by any means, but I am doing things that I do not think I would have before.
June 20, 2007
Well, that was one of the more ADD entries. How many different topics can a person talk about in one sitting. I guess when you are bored on a train, it is easy for your mind to wander. I have since seen mountains, in Italy, Arizona and Hawaii. I don't think these "mountains" are even considered mountains. But I remember they looked pretty impressive to me.
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