Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010 – Isaiah 18-20

A couple of different thoughts, some pertaining to the readings, others not so much. Egypt is such a big deal for such a long time, yet today we here so little about it. Granted the world was very small then and Egypt was a large portion compared to what it is now, but I think it is or will be important again. It just feels like something would stem for there, good or bad, before we have our conclusion.

Now more, not to do with it. The Holy Land, and the general area, are a very involved place right now and always has been it seems for known history. But since Jesus, things have slowly moved away from there. Rome to Europe to North America. The focus of the Globe has shifted. This is very conspiracy theory, but with the US seeming to titter a bit and China seeming to grow a bit on the world stage, perhaps there is another shift. The center of the globe may be moving to Asia before it makes its way back to the Holy Land for the End times.

Another thought, and I don’t know why this popped into my head while I was reading, but disaster movies like Armageddon with the asteroid hitting the Earth, as a Christian do we think that is possible. Here is where I am coming from. All the bad things that happen in the world stem from evil or people doing bad things. Any disasters dealing with the weather or the environment can somewhat be pointed to our human greed and what we have done to the environment in making materials or disposing of them improperly and the like. But what evil or sin can humans do that would bring an asteroid to hit the planet. You can’t trace the effect back to a cause that humans did. It may be the same argument you could make if volcanoes shot of enough smoke to kill us all, but I don’t think a single volcano leveling a town is the same. You could argue that people should not live near that area and it is only the want of material things, great view on an island home, that causes them to be there. Same argument I heard after Katrina and talking about people building a city below sea level just because that is where there is money to be made. Anyway, some very random thoughts.


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