Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012 – 1 Samuel 3

We see two reactions to the words of the Lord, both are models for what we are to do.  Both are difficult for us to manage, but one is much more difficult for us.

When you hear the Lord calling to you, what is your response.  Are you unsure if it is the Lord and perhaps go to another source in confusion, like Samuel the first three times.  Or do we ignore the Lord and go about things in our own way.  Or do we answer, “speak Lord for you servant is listening.”  How hard it is to say those words and follow through with giving God the control He wants. 

Eli has the more difficult task.  He not only hears what the Lord is saying but he hears bad news for him.  He listens and is told that justice will be dealt to him for the ill his sons have done and for him not acting.  When we find out things are not going to be the way we want do we react with anger or sadness.  We are suppose to act as Eli, “He is the Lord and He will do what He judges best.”  Eli knows that he is not in control and even something that may not be pleasant for him is something that is the better overall because God is in control. 

The first thing that is a given in these lessons is that we are listening for God’s message in the first place.  If we are not trying to hear God’s will for us, we won’t even have the chance to respond properly.  First we must listen, then respond to His words and His will, and finally, trust that His will is the best way for us. 


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