Monday, July 7, 2003
I have just assumed that Michelle will read this someday, but I think I
should write everything that happens, not that anything inappropriate has happened yet. I just bring it up because I have had a whole bottle of wine; it is like 2 in the morning, and I am stuck in a train compartment that is 6 feet by 6 feet with four Italian females. Three are quite old, but one is quite attractive and it is like 130 degrees in the compartment. The cute and young one is the only one that speaks English, so she was trying to translate the conversation for a little while.

Then she left and took her contacts out and put coca-cola bottles on that would rival what the Fosters used to wear. I may be strange, but I think glasses are sexy. Anyway, still no sleep and cannot imagine any coming soon. I think they were shopping in London and are heading home. And the cute one's mom is lying next to me asleep. It is just an odd place to be. Not so much odd, but unexpected.
Oh, and I do not know if I wrote it, but getting the reservation, although did not pan out on the first train cause there were gobs of seats, was definitely needed for this one or I would be sitting on the floor.
The Italian ladies just closed the shades and started putting money in my pants so I got to go.
A 30-hour trek, but I am here. And I am eating at a
real Italian restaurant. I am actually the only person in here. Do not understand what I just ordered, but oh well. It is a nice little place. Looks like it was a house they turned into a restaurant. I am ready for some real food. I am surviving on lonely soda and snacks for the last two days.

Well, I am definitely coming back to this place when they actually serve pasta. I guess they do not start that till two. This must be breakfast. 1/2 a chicken, salad, bread, and wine. It was excellent though. Going to head back to the hostel, read my book till one, then change into shorts, and head out. Probable make it an early night. The view coming in was amazing. They all have been. I do not think I have seen one ugly place outside the city. You could probable say the same for the U.S. and this trip really makes me realize how much of my own country I have yet to see.

Just had the greatest lasagna and the best wine I have ever had. Ate on a sidewalk café kinda thing. The Coliseum was huge. It really makes you wonder what it all looked like way back when. Going to see the Vatican tomorrow. I think I got a little burnt today. First day of intense sun since we have got here. Probable have to use sunscreen tomorrow. Talked to Michelle. She said it was storming and she had to drive so she was nervous. Told her I loved her, but I think it came off goofy. Hope she did not take it that way. Have not figured out what I am doing Wednesday. Have to be in Vienna by Friday, which is all I know.
July 7, 2007
I did not go back to that place I first ate, but I still remember it clearly. Exactly what is looked like, where I sat, how they served the wine in a glass pitcher and not a bottle. Man, I loved Rome. I scanned a bunch of pics so that I can keep up teh pace. It is fun to look at them and remeber.
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