September 23, 2011 – Luke 8:40 - 9:17
I have talked before about the faith of the woman and the idea of praying with faith and praying without, so I won’t go into that again.
I am surprised at the reaction of Jesus to the crowd. It must have been frightening because of the people’s reaction to Him. Some people were denying that they touched Him, even though the crowds were all over Him. The woman came forward trembling, so obviously she was scared.
How must Jesus have felt being ridiculed by those that said the daughter was dead. He said was asleep and they scorned Him for it. What were their thoughts when she walked out of her room.
He tells the parents to “tell no one”, but they just talked about the crowds being so large and they all heard them say she was dead before. They didn’t have to tell anyone, as soon as the crowds see the girl, the story will circulate.
I wonder if people might deny that the miracle happened and that she was not really dead. Those that were opposed to Jesus could just as easily say that the people that said she was dead did not know what they were talking about.
How long did the Apostles go off by themselves. Christ ministry only lasted 3 years, so it doesn’t seem like it could be that long, yet it would have taken a long time to travel. How far did they spread out and how did they know where Jesus was when they got back.
The section on what Herod says about Herod is similar to what the Apostles say when Jesus ask them “who do people says that I am”.
Is there anything to the fact that there were 12 baskets full, since 12 is an important number throughout the Bible.