April 13, 2010 – Matthew 23:23-24:13
I hear people saying that the end is near. With earthquakes, weird weather, terrorist, government out of control, the immorality of the world we live in, there are things to point to that may look pretty bad. I read somewhere that 30% of Republicans in Congress believe Obama is the anti-Christ. I believe that the present always appears to be a bigger deal because that is what you are living in. If you remember back to junior high/high school days, do remember how you lived and died with what group you were in, who talked to you, who you sat by on the bus. Looking back, most of it didn’t amount to anything, but try telling that to a high school student who is living through it.
Look back through history and there are plenty of times when the fate of the world looked pretty bleak. During the black plague 1/3 of the world died. You don’t think they thought the end times were coming when they saw piles of bodies in almost every city in the world. And even if this country crumbles, that doesn’t mean the end of all is near. Rome was around almost 500 years and ruled the known world, then fell, but the world moved on. The sun never set on the British Empire, but all that is left is their original island, but the world moved on. The US is going through some very tough times. Those in charge believe the government is the only thing that us and so the government grows, in size and power. If they are right, which history says they are not, then great. If they are wrong, we could be in for some very hard times and could see the end of our country as the power in the world. Does that mean it is the end times. I don’t think so. We are not called to fear the end or focus on the end. We are called to live a life where, if the end were to come today, we meet it with joy and hope. The present is the most important time. Not because it could be the end of all things, but it is the only time we can control how we live our lives.